


Command Explanation from PNG
NBTSTAT View TCP/IP connections and protocol stats (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NET Manage network resources- printing, sharing, etc…
NETDOM Manage machine names, accounts, and passwords
NETSH Configure remote access, routing, firewall, etc…
NETSTAT View TCP/IP connections and protocol stats (TCP/IP)
NETSVC Service controlller- View, start, or stop services
NLSINFO Display locale information using reskit
NLTEST Perform a network location test
NOW Generates message with present date/time
NSLOOKUP NameServer IP address lookup
NTBACKUP Backup drives and folders to tape
NTRIGHTS Grant/revoke user account privleges
NTSUtil Active directory domain services management
NVSPBIND View and modify network bindings
OPENFILES Query/view open files; Disconnect files open by network users
PATH View/define search path for exe (executable) files
PATHPING Ping network- shows packet loss+latency for each line (router)
PAUSE Pause execution of batch file until key press
PERFMON Performance moniter
PERMS Show user permissions for a file (ACLs)
PING Test network connection- get IP- Ex. PING www.google.com
POPD Restores most rescent directory stored by PUSHD
PORTQRY Display and troubleshoot port/IP connectivity
POWERCFG Configure power setting/standby/sleep modes
PRINT Print (text) file(s) to a printer (local or network)
PRINTBRM Migrate/backup/restore print queue
PRNCNFG (XP and .net only) View properties/config/rename a printer
PRNMNGR View/add/delete- printers/printer connections/default printer
PROMPT Change the CMD.exe prompt (letters/symbols/date+time)
PUSHD Change current directory, store previous for POPD command
ProcDump Monitor an application for CPU spikes
PsExec Execute process remotely
PsFile View/close remotely opened files
PsGetSid Fetch and display the SID of a computer or a user
PsInfo View extensive system info
PsKill Kill a process by it's name or ID
PsList View running processes and info
PsLogList View event log records
PsLoggedOn View logged on users (local or remote machine)
PsPasswd Change user account password
PsService Control and display services
PsShutdown Shutdown/reboot/logoff/lock local or remote machine
PsSuspend Suspend local or remote process
QAppSrv (Query TeamServer) List all network Terminal/RD session host servers
QGREP Serch files for lines that match an assigned pattern
QPROCESS (Query Process) View info on running processes on remote host
QUSER (Query User) Display user sessions- Terminal/RD session host servers
Qwinsta (Query Session) View info on user sessions on a remote host
RASDIAL View/dial/hang-up RAS connection (Dial-Up)
RASPHONE Manage RAS connections- Dial up connections- Dial up connect to ISP
RD Delete folder(s)- add /S to delete subfolder too
RECOVER Recover readable info from damaged disk
REG View/edit/add registry subkey information/values in Registry entries
REGEDIT View/edit/search settings in your system registry
REGINI Set permissions on registry keys
REGSVR32 Register/unregister DLL
REM Signifies comment/remark in batch file (same as : :)
REN Rename file(s)
REPLACE Replace (update) a file with a different file
RMTSHARE- 2003/XP/2000 only Create/edit/delete Windows file/printer shares
ROBOCOPY Keep identical files up to date in different locations
ROUTE Manually alter routing table routs
RUN Type only program name and path to run
RUNAS Run a program as another user
RUNDLL32 Run a DLL program/command
RESET Session Delete (reset) a RD (Remote Desktop) session
SC Control any and all Windows Services
SCHTASKS View/edit/create/start/stop a scheduled task
SCLIST Display list of services
SET Control CMD session environment variables
SETLOCAL Change environment variable locally
SETX Permanently set environment variables (machine or user)
SFC System File Checker- Scan and restore corrupt system files
SHARE View/edit a print or file share
SHIFT Batch file- Alter position of command line parameters
SHORTCUT Create a shortcut (.LNK)
SHOWGRPS List NT workgroups user has joined
SHOWMBRS List members or a workgroup (users)
SHUTDOWN Shutdown the machine (turn off)
SLEEP Delay execution within a batch file for a few mins/seconds
SLMGR Software Licensing Management Tool. Windows Activation
SOON Schedule a command (to run soon)
SORT Sort input, display output
START Start script (command/batch) or program (in new window)
STRINGS Search for UNICODE and ANSI strings in binary files
SU Switch Users (also available via start menu)
SUBINACL View/modify Acess Control Entries (file/folder permissions)
SUBST Substitute drive letter for local/network file path
SYSMON Display system activiy and log activity to the Windows event log
SYSTEMINFO Display detailed system configuration info
SetSPN Modify service principal names
ShellRunAs Launch program as another user account (Admin)
TAKEOWN Allows admin to take ownership of a file
TASKKILL Terminate preocess(es) (remove from memory)
TASKLIST List all running applications and processes and their PID's
TELNET Utilize the TELNET protocol to communicate with another host machine
TIME Display/set system time
TIMEOUT Batch file- delay execution for a few mins/seconds
TITLE Change title of CMD window
TLIST- Windows 2000 Task List- replaced by TASKLIST in newer Windows
TOUCH Change file access and modification timestamps
TRACERT Trace Rout- Find IP of remote host
TREE View folder structure (graphically display file tree)
TSDISCON Disconnect a remote desktop session
TSKILL Terminate a running process
TSSHUTDN Shut down or reboot terminal server remotely
TYPE View/edit text document(s). Convert Unicode to ANSI
TZUTIL Time zone utility
TypePerf Writes performance data to command window/log file
USRSTAT List domain usernames/Display last login
VER View current Windows OS version
VERIFY Verify that files saved to disk correctly
VOL View the volume label for a disk
W32TM Time service (Win32-Time)
WAITFOR Send or wait for a signal- Sync events across network
WEVUTIL Enable/disable/clear/query event logs
WHERE Find and view files of a directory tree
WHOAMI Display user privieges and info for current user
WINDIFF Compare contents of two file/file sets (graphical interface)
WINMSD Microsoft Windows Diagnostics
WINMSDP Windows System Diagnostics II (System Report)
WINRM Windows Remote Management
WINRS Control Server Core install remotely
WMIC Read info about local/remote computer
WUAUCLT Windows Update- Download update files
XCACLS View/edit ACL's (permissions) for files/folders
XCOPY Copy files/file trees to a different folder