Command | Explanation from PNG |
HELP | Online MS Windows help (list of commands) |
HOSTNAME | View the computer's host name |
ICACLS | View and alter file/folder permissions (ACLs) |
Iexpress | Create a self-extracting .ZIP file (file archive) |
IF | Perform a command conditionally |
IFMEMBER | View if the user is a member of a workgroup |
INUSE | Replace files that are currently being used by the operating system |
IPCONFIG | Configure and view IP (internet protocol) |
KILL | Remove a running program (process) from memory |
LABEL | Edit disk Lable (aka disk name- 11 characters max) |
LOCAL | View local group memberships on remote domains/servers. |
LODCTR | Perform PerfMon Performance counters |
LOGEVENT | Add text to the event viewer (write to the event log) |
LOGMAN | Manage performance moniter/view logs |
LOGOFF | Log the user off- add /f to force quit running processes |
LOGTIME | Creates logtime.txt and writes time, date, and message to it |
MAKECAB | Creat a .CAB file |
MAPISEND | Send Email (in CMD command line) |
MBSAcli | Baseline Security Analyzer |
MD | Create a new folder (make directory) |
MEM | View memeory usage |
MKLINK | Create symbolic link (to directory or file)- admins only |
MODE | View and configure system devices |
MORE | Display executable output screen-by-screen |
MOUNTVOL | Link volumes- no drive letter necessary |
MOVE | Move a file/folder to a different location |
MOVEUSER | Move a user account- into a domain or another machine |
MSG | Send a user a pop-up message (not windows HE) |
MSIEXEC | Installer- Microsoft Windows |
MSINFO32 | View detailed system info |
MSTSC | Login to a remote computer (Remote Desktop) |
MV | Move File- Even for in-use files! |